2024 Flying star Xuan Kong annual analysis for the year of the Yang Wood Dragon

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2024 Flying star Xuan Kong annual analysis for the year of the Yang Wood Dragon


are you prepared for 2024 - Year of the Yang Wood Dragon

2024 Feng Shui Flying Stars Xuan Kong Analysis

© Written by Daniel Hanna 2023

Are you prepared for 2024 – The start of period 9 Feng Shui?

2024 Feng Shui cures and enhancers2024 Flying star analysis banner

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” The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”

Please click on the relevant area to find out more about the Flying stars for 2024

The 4th of February will not only mark a new solar Chinese New Year, which is the year of the Yang Wood Dragon (Jia Chen), but we will also enter a new period in Feng Shui. As we enter 2024, we welcome period 9 Flying star Feng Shui, which can create a huge change in energy in every single home and business in every country in the world. We always prepare for the annual Flying stars changing over, and this year, many of these stars will take on a different role, with auspicious stars becoming inauspicious and vice versa.

When we enter period 9 Feng Shui, the fixed Flying stars for your home will remain the same, although they will take on a new energy, with some auspicious stars becoming inauspicious and some auspicious stars turning inauspicious for the next 20 years (2024 – 2044). We will see the #4 star become inauspicious in period 9 and will need to weaken this star; we will also see the #2 star become auspicious, although we will have to treat this star carefully at the beginning of period 9 as it will still carry risks if not activated correctly. The change of energy for the 9 stars will also happen with the annual and monthly Flying stars, meaning that we will be treating most compass sectors in a different manner for the next 20 years.

Everything you need to know about Feng Shui period 9 Xuan Kong Flying star

The last few years have been challenging for many of us around the world, and although we have seen wars, tragedies, food supply issues, debt and many other issues take place, we have also seen many fantastic moments; if we focused only on the bad, we would never appreciate all of the good that takes place in our lives daily.

Personally, I am really excited for 2024 as not only do we see the chance for a fresh start with the Solar New Year, but we will also see the Flying stars change energy, which gives us a huge opportunity to change our fortune and luck for the better. Yang Wood years can see a lot of growth and also the beginning of new ventures, bringing a lot of advancements and new opportunities in many different fields. It is worth noting that finances will need to be watched for all of the twelve animals during the Dragon year, so please be sure to read this advice carefully to protect and enhance existing and new wealth.

In 2024, we will have the annual #3 robbery star in the centre, which will still be inauspicious in period 9 and will need to be treated with care to avoid issues related to theft, arguments, disputes, hot tempers, loss of wealth and legal problems; this is especially important as the centre of most homes and offices will fall into multiple rooms. It is vital to place a Ping’an protection talisman in the centre of your home and workplace in 2024, as the #3 star is still very powerful and can cause many problems when activated.

Period nine Feng ShuiOnto the important and powerful #9 star – This auspicious star has now become the primary wealth star for the next twenty years, and we will be activating this with the Baoyou Zusui Master cure in 2024 to ensure that wealth, career, relationships, health and overall wellbeing prospects are as auspicious as they can be for the Dragon year. In 2024, the #9 star falls into the southwest and can be activated with fire and wood cures and colours. Yang Wood Dragon years can cause financial instability, so it is important that this area is activated and enhanced with potent cures this year.

The inauspicious stars will fly into the south (#7), west (#5), northwest (#4) and centre (#3) in 2024, and we will also have the annual afflictions fall into the south (Three Killings), southeast (Tai Sui), and northwest (Sui Po). If you have a bedroom, office, kitchen, living room or other important room in one of these directions and are unable to relocate to another area, please do not worry, as there is much you can do to calm the energy here and avoid this influence from being activated. If you have a main entrance door in any of these areas, please try to avoid slamming the door when entering and leaving, as this is one of the easiest ways to activate one of the inauspicious stars or conflicts.

This may sound frightening to read if you have a main door in these areas, but please remember, knowing about a potential problem and having the relevant cures in place, you can avoid many issues occurring in the year of the Rabbit.

Every year since 1999, we have put together an annual Feng Shui cures and enhancers kit to help activate and enhance all of the different auspicious stars and also weaken and calm the inauspicious stars, and we began preparing for the 2024 kits quite a few years ago due to the huge shift in energy as we enter period 9 as we will have to rethink how we look at the energy of the different Flying stars. they are extremely powerful cures and enhancers that only the most advanced Feng Shui Masters and Practitioners throughout the world use, and quite a few of the cures in our kits are ones that many Feng Shui Masters charge thousands of pounds for. It does not matter how late in the year in 2024 you place your cures kit; we have many clients who have even placed them towards the end of the year and still got great results.

Throughout period 8, the most important and effective cure has been the Master cure, which we have used for the #8 primary wealth star, and as we enter period 9, we will carry on using the Master cure to enhance the #9 star. In 2024, we will be using the Baoyou Zusui Master cure to enhance the annual #9 star in the southwest, which can only be used during a Yang Wood Dragon year and is especially important for the Matriarch (eldest female) of the home and workplace and also vital for all females and also males.

Another imperative cure for the Dragon Year is the Shengli Yiniandaotou Sheng Chi Cure, which we will continue to use for the annual #6 star. Although the #6 is falling into a state of decline in power, this is still a very important star to enhance in the early years of period 9 to ensure this wealth star’s luck is as strong as it can be while also enhancing as many wealth stars as possible.

For over 24 years at the Feng Shui Store, we have sold a vast range of powerful and traditional cures and enhancers for your home or office to help you make the most of the year; we also appreciate that not everyone can afford or likes to display these powerful cures and enhancers, which is why we will always offer a free or cheap solution that you can implement with items that you already have in your homes such as different furniture or coloured cushions.

Introducing different colours and shapes to other sectors of your home will introduce the five elements to the area to help enhance and weaken the annual Flying stars. Although this is not as effective as traditional Feng Shui cures, they will still help control the influence in each compass sector to make the most of the Flying star and can also be combined to create a strong presence for the five elements.

To ensure that you get off to a good start in period 9 and also in the Dragon year, I would read through the Chinese animal Predictions for 2024. Each of the twelve animals will have different luck in a Dragon year, and knowing what to expect can get you off to a great start.

2024 Chinese animal predictions

From all of us at the Feng Shui Store, we would like to wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous year of the Yang Wood Dragon (Jia Chen).

What date do the Flying stars change in 2024?

When is Chinese New Year 2024

In 2024, the Flying stars for the year will change on either the 3rd or 4th of February, depending on which country you are based in; If you would like to find out the exact time that you can start placing your annual cures and enhancers, take a look at the link below. This is also the same date that we transition into period 9 Flying star Feng Shui.

2024 Chinese New Year world times calculator

When the Flying stars change each year, this creates a massive shift in energy and the layout for the previous year may no longer work well in a home or workplace, so it is always wise to prepare for this by going through the Flying star analysis and place your annual cures and enhancers for the year ahead. This is especially important in 2024 as not only will the annual stars move to another sector, the energy of certain stars will change from auspicious to inauspicious; this page can be a long read, and if you usually skim through and work off the chart for the annual stars, please take the time to read through the advice as this will be different from the previous years.

We have been making our annual predictions in these articles each year since 1999, and in our 2023 Flying star article, we were mostly accurate with what took place in the year of the Rabbit, which helped a great deal of people prepare for and avoid potential issues.

2024 Conflict animal - Dog

Sadly, the influence of each Chinese New Year will bring global situations that are out of our control, such as rising energy prices, although we can still make sure that we enhance the wealth stars in our home and workplace to make sure that we are well prepared for situations such as this.

I’ve always hated writing articles from a negative point of view as I am a big believer in positive thinking and manifesting your own luck, so please try not to panic if you have a bedroom or office in an inauspicious area during the Dragon year, as there is always a resolution to an issue.

Those born in the year of the Dog could find that their progress and general motivation are lacking during 2024 as they are the conflict animal for the Dragon and could be met with conflict, although please take this with a pinch of salt as Michael is a Dog and has enjoyed many Dragon years!

Any person who is born in a Dog year could be affected during 2024, as the Dog is the conflict animal of the Dragon. Although the Dog is the conflict animal in the Dragon year, please do not panic, as the advice in this article and also in the predictions for the Dog will help you avoid issues and enjoy many successes in 2024.

Dog years – 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

If you follow the advice here, you can avoid many problems; please do not worry. It should be noted that there are five different types of each Chinese Animal (fire, water, wood, earth, metal), which depend on the year you were born, and each animal will have different predictions for the year ahead.

For example  
Metal Dog: 1970, 2030
Water Dog: 1922, 1982
Wood Dog: 1934, 1994
Fire Dog: 1946, 2006
Earth Dog: 1958, 2018

All of the cures and enhancers I have mentioned are from our 2024 Cures and enhancers kits, although we do recommend alternatives for every area of your home as we like to offer as much advice as possible.

2024 Feng Shui cures and enhancers

Which areas of my home and office should I enhance in 2024?

From 2024, some of the stars will have shifted energy, and we will now be enhancing stars that were previously inauspicious and also weakening stars that were previously auspicious.

1 star – This can be found in the east in 2024
2 star – This can be found in the southeast in 2024
6 star – This can be found in the northeast in 2024
8 star – This can be found in the north in 2024
9 star – This can be found in the southwest in 2024

You will have noticed the #4 star has become inauspicious, and the #2 has become auspicious as we enter period 9 and while we will be treating these two stars in different ways than we did during period 8, we will still need to treat them both with caution as this is only the beginning of period 9. To enhance the #2 annual star in 2024, we will be using a very powerful Li Cheng Tai Sui plaque to balance the energy between earth and metal, ensuring that this star is activated correctly during the Dragon year.

Where are the worst flying stars in 2024, and where are they located?

With the Flying stars, we have a mix of auspicious and inauspicious stars, and for 2024, we have four inauspicious stars fly into the different compass sectors, which will need to be weakened with the relevant cures and elements to make sure that they do not bring any negative energy to our homes and workplaces.

  • 3 star – This can be found in the central palace in 2024
  • 4 star – This can be found in the northwest in 2024
  • 5 star – This can be found in the west in 2024
  • 7 star – This can be found in the south in 2024

it is crucial that we cure and neutralise the inauspicious stars with the relevant Annual Cures and Enhancers for the year, as when disturbed or left untreated, they can cause all sorts of problems related to wealth, stress, illness, disputes, legal issues, death and much more so please make sure that you read through carefully on how to avoid issues during the year of the Dragon.

If one of the inauspicious stars falls into your spare room, bathroom, storage cupboard or other lesser-used room, this will help avoid activating the star this year. However, please be sure to treat this area accordingly to help weaken the negative energy for the year.

What can I do to prepare for the Chinese New Year 2024?

Chinese animal predictions for 2024

It’s easier said than done, but the best piece of advice I can give is to prepare as early as you can for the Chinese New Year, as this will avoid mistakes being made and will also make sure that you have your annual Cures and Enhancers to hand to place on the 4th of February; Chinese New Year is the busiest time of year for a Feng Shui Store, so it is always wise to order early to make sure you have your cures and enhancers ready to go.

For the past twenty-four years, we have given this Feng Shui advice for free to hundreds of thousands of Feng Shui masters, practitioners, students and general enthusiasts all around the world to help them make the most of their homes and businesses and ensure that their year ahead is as trouble-free and prosperous as it can be.

You will notice that we will give a mixture of suggestions, from using colours, rugs, etc., for each of the Flying stars along with traditional Feng Shui Cures and Enhancers, giving you a choice of how to treat the areas, depending on your circumstances in life. Although traditional cures are a lot more effective, I appreciate that not everyone will be able to afford these, which is why I have always offered advice for using items that you may already have around your home.

Our ethos is always to provide alternatives that can be found around your home if you do not want to place the cures or cannot afford them, as we believe that good Feng Shui should be available to the masses. While just using colours and shapes alone will not be as effective as placing the relevant Feng Shui cures and enhancers for 2024, they will still be a lot better than leaving the home or office to chance as it is.

Two products that I would strongly recommend for the year of the Dragon are the 2024 Annual Cures and enhancers kit and our Feng Shui software, which has been rebuilt with the full analysis for period 9 Feng Shui, as this will provide you with the necessary tools to make 2024 a successful and exciting year and also give you the best possible head start for period 9 Feng Shui.


2024 Feng Shui cures and enhancers

I cannot afford to purchase these cures or enhancers this year, and my partner does not believe in Feng Shui; what should I do?

With the world being more interested in well-being and alternative lifestyles in recent years, you will have certainly heard of Feng Shui at some point, and while many will still think this is similar to the displays at a Chinese restaurant, this is not the case and you will find that Feng Shui is about subtle changes and cures that fit into everyday life without causing an impact on the flow and décor of the home.

Another misconception about Feng Shui is that it is a religion; Feng Shui is a way of life that helps you make the most of the different aspects of your life, similar to how the Danish practice Hygge.

We get a lot of emails each year asking about the best all-round cure to place in a home when a budget does not allow it or when people want to try one cure before investing in other pieces, I will also recommend the annual Master cure as this can help enhance and protect all different aspects of life.

The most powerful and influential cure and enhancer you can place in your home or workplace in 2024 is called the Baoyou Zusui Master cure and can only be used in a Yang Wood Dragon year to enhance the annual #9 prominent wealth star; this powerful amulet and protective talisman cure is placed only during Jia Chen years to enhance the annual #9 wealth star, which is located in the southwest palace in 2024. If you want overall protection for the whole of your home or office, I would recommend taking a look at our 2024 Cures and Enhancers kit.


How to take a compass reading

The first thing to do when working out the 9 compass sectors of your home or office is to draw a rough floorplan of the building so that you have a good idea which rooms fall into which compass area. In modern times, you will usually have a floorplan of your home online if you search through a property website under the sold section, such as Rightmove or Zillow. If you cannot find a floor plan online, you can draw a rough plan by measuring the outside walls for accurate dimensions. If you have our Feng Shui Software, you can do your floor plan within the software, making it very easy. Once you have your floor plan, you will need to split the home into nine equal sectors, similar to a tic tac toe grid.

Once you have your floor plan, you will need a good-quality compass to find your compass direction. If you do not know how to take a compass-facing direction, please visit this page. Smartphones usually have a built-in compass that will give you a general idea of the different sectors, although I would not recommend using this for accurate readings.

Now that you know the compass direction of your building, you can work out the different compass sectors of your home or office and write them down on the floorplan so that you can work out which Flying stars fall into which area for 2024 according to the eight magnetic directions and centre to plan how to make the most of your life for the year ahead.

If you look at the floor plan below, you will see that the 3 star falls into the central area of this home, which falls into the master bedroom and for most of us, this will likely fall into a bedroom, kitchen, study or living room and could cause problems if you do not place any cures and enhancers. The #3 star is still inauspicious in period 9 and will need to be treated carefully using a Ping’an protection talisman.


floor plans 20242024 Feng Shui Flying stars

This chart below was created with our Academy of Feng Shui software using the Floor planner section. The software has been fully updated for period 9 and is now available on the website. Please note that although the fixed stars will not change for your home in period 9, the analysis for the combinations will and should be evaluated as early as possible.

  • The top left number is called the mountain star and affects the health and well-being of the occupants in the home.
  • The top right number is called the facing star, which affects wealth.
  • The middle number is called the period number and comes from the year the home was built.
  • The bottom right red number is the 2024 Annual flying star.

If you look at the chart below, you can see where the different annual Flying stars are located along with the mountain and facing fixed stars. It was created using our Academy of Feng Shui software, which has become the industry standard with enthusiasts and masters alike.

The Flying star chart in the home below has an exceptional formation, which is known as a “Combination of ten with sitting” and requires careful analysis; the Academy software explains in great detail how to make the most of this combination and also any other special combination or formation in the Flying star chart.

The chart below is for a house facing 250 degrees west 1 (Geng) built in 1980 

A house is made of bricks and beams. A home is made of hopes and dreams.”

2024 Feng Shui annual afflictions

The Three Killings – south (142.5 – 217.5)

Please avoid noisy renovations in the south of your home or workplace when possible during 2024, as we have the Three Killings located here for the year. Try to avoid major digging, such as foundations in this area this year, although digging small holes for plants or fence posts will be fine.

If you have no option but to perform work in the south during 2024, I would strongly recommend placing a six-hollow rod metal wind chime while the work is being carried out and for a few days after. We take this very seriously at the Feng Shui Store, as we’ve seen some nasty events over the past 43 years when this energy has been disturbed.

If you have a door located in the south this year, please take great care when opening and closing the door to ensure it is not slammed. Avoid the influence of the Three Killings by opening and shutting the door calmly or installing a soft close hinge.

We also have the annual #7 robbery star located in the south during 2024, and when this area is activated, it can cause a lot of issues related to illness and theft, so please treat this area with care. A traditional and powerful cure to keep this influence calm in 2024 is to place a Lie Taobi Biangu Rice cure in the south of your home and workplace for the year, along with a Jin Yi Lang protection amulet.

Urgent repairs to your home or office in the south will need a cure to prevent any negative consequences. You can place a six-rod hollow metal rod wind chime between the building and where the work is being carried out, or ideally, contact a professional Feng Shui Consultant to select an auspicious date to start the work.

Annual #5 yellow Flying star – West Palace.

From the 4th of February 2024, the annual five yellow star will fly into the west of every home, office and building for the year. The #5 star will remain inauspicious throughout period 9 and should be treated with the same care and cures that we used during period 8. When activated with noise or regular traffic, this inauspicious influence can bring disaster, illness, lawsuits and significant financial issues, making this a crucial area to tread carefully during the year of the Dragon.

It is highly recommended that you keep the west of your home or office calm and settled as often as possible during 2024 to avoid activating this area and avoid any building work or noisy activities. To control and weaken the influence of the annual five star, place a set of six Chinese i-ching coins tied with red ribbon, a six-rod hollow metal wind chime and a salt water cure in the west to avoid the problems that are associated with the #5 yellow disaster star.

A powerful and vital cure to place in the west of your home or office during 2024 is to place a set of six Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon in your building to weaken and appease the annual #5 yellow star, which is why we have included in all of our Annual cures and enhancers kits this year.

Tai Sui (The Grand Duke of Jupiter) – southeast (112.5 – 127.5)

Like the Three Killings, Tai Sui does not like being disturbed. The effects of Tai Sui can be good or bad depending on the annual flying stars that coincide with its location.

If your front door is located in the southeast during 2024, please try to avoid slamming the door as much as possible, as this is a very quick way to anger Tai Sui. If you have a main bedroom or living space in the southeast this year, try to keep noise levels to normal volume and avoid playing the TV or music too loud that you can’t easily speak over the top of it. The traditional method to appease Tai Sui for the year of the Dragon is to place a Li Cheng Tai Sui plaque in the southeast of your home or workplace throughout the whole of 2024; this cure will pay respect and also appease the Deity for the year ahead and also enhance the annual #2 star with care.

By paying respect to the Grand Duke of Jupiter, we can weaken or avoid the problems this can bring.

Sui Po (Year Breaker) – northwest (292.5 º -307.5 º)

Sui Po year breaker will fall into the northwest for 2024 and will occupy the compass sector directly opposite Tai Sui, which will also have the annual #4 star fall here. For period 9, the #4 star has become inauspicious and, when activated with too much noise and activity, can cause a lot of problems to the occupants of the home or workplace. To settle this energy, please place a Zhuanweiweian protection amulet in the northwest to weaken the annual #4 star and keep this area calm.

Please avoid too much noise in the northwest this year and avoid ground-breaking and renovation. When Sui Po is disturbed, this area can and usually will cause immediate health problems, especially concerning the elderly, so please be very careful with the northwest of your home or office this year.

Please do not panic if the northwest, southeast, south or west of your home or workplace has a bedroom, office, living room or other regularly used room in one of these areas; start preparing to place your 2024 cures and enhancers kit as of the 4th February to ensure a trouble-free year and also cleanse any old cures that you will be reusing this year. To give you even better control, use our advanced Feng Shui period 9 software, as this provides a sophisticated analysis of every home or office facing any direction in any part of the world.

Water placement in 2024:

Feng Shui water placement in 2024

As we enter period 9 Flying star Feng Shui, on the 4th of February 2024, the use of outside water has changed from period 8, and you will now be able to place a pond or water feature in the north up until 2044 and to fully activate this area you need a mountain in the south. Please bear in mind that moving water is a specialist tool in Feng Shui and should only be placed if you have been advised by our Feng Shui period 9 software or a Feng Shui consultant who has a good understanding of your fixed Flying star chart in period 9.

When placing water inside of your home, it is imperative that the water is kept very clean and is constantly flowing; if you have a water feature, this should be kept on, and if you have a fish tank, the pump should be running so that the water is constantly flowing. Stale and dirty water will very quickly create negative Qi (energy) in a home, which will make its way all around and turn good into bad if left alone. Using water in Feng Shui is a very powerful tool and is a vital part of Feng Shui (Shui meaning water). The Qi around the home or office is caught by the water and is then cleansed and distributed around the building, provided the water is clean and flowing.

For more details on your primary and secondary wealth areas in period 9 follow this link https://www.fengshuiweb.co.uk/secondary-wealth-area-period-9

Salt water cure placement for 2024:

We receive thousands of emails each year from people with all different levels of knowledge in Feng Shui telling us how helpful the salt water cure has been for their home and business and how they have helped change the energy for the better; receiving these emails always make my day, finding out how Feng Shui has helped others.

The Salt Water Cure is an extremely powerful and little-known cure and one that we have used in our home, warehouse and office for over twenty-two years. We replace the Salt Water Cures at least once a year, and sometimes they need to be replaced within a few months as they remove so much negative energy from the surrounding area.

Salt water cure 2023

A Salt Water Cure is Perhaps the most essential cure to be used in every building, especially if you find that you are experiencing bad luck, sore throats, loss of wealth or constant sickness in 2024; you will need to place a little-known cure called a “salt water cure”, this powerful cure is said to dissipate and clear all negative energy. These cures are actually amazing; when you place it in the west in 2024 to weaken the annual #5 star or any other area that has a #5 star in it, you should soon see the results.

To create a salt water cure, use 6 I-Ching coins and a red rhombus knot to make a salt water cure for the west of your home or office on or after the 4th of February 2024. Throughout period 9, we will be using a special rhombus knot with the salt cure, which is used to promote good fortune and endless wealth luck throughout the year. You should also place six Chinese coins tied in a row with a red ribbon alongside the salt cure.

Please note that in period 9 (2024 – 2044), we will be using the salt cure only for the #5 star and not the #2 star, as this has become timely for the next twenty years

To find out more about placing a salt water cure in your home or workplace in 2024, please click here.


Annual Flying Star analysis for 2024, the year of the Yang Wood Dragon (Jia Chen)


2024 Flying star analysis for the year of the Yang Wood Dragon

You will notice that the analysis below is different to the usual annual advice that I give this year, and this is because the influence of some of the Flying stars has changed during period 9 (2024 – 2044). Please read through this information carefully this year, as the advice will be slightly different for the next twenty-year cycle.

The analysis has a considerable amount of information. I’d recommend printing this off or saving the page so you can check back over it when applying the changes for the Year of the Dragon.

When you first read the advice below, it may seem as though this year will bring lots of problems, although you will soon realise that there are many ways to control the negative influences and enhance the positive ones, making the most out of the year of the Dragon.

If you would like to know more about what the Year of the Dragon has in store for you on a more personal level, I would consider looking at the 2024 Feng Shui Guide or our Feng Shui online report.

With regards to the arrangement of the annual Flying stars for 2024, the primary wealth star will now be the #9 star and we will need to make the most of this auspicious influence for the next twenty years. To activate the annual #9 star in 2024, we must place a Baoyou Zusui Master cure in the southwest of the home and workplace to ensure that this auspicious energy is at full strength during the Dragon year.

The lottery ticket in the image below has been created and personalised to an individual’s unique lottery numbers with our Feng Shui period 9 software and taken from their birth date. Placing it in the southwest, north, northeast, or east can increase your chances of winning. If you own the software, you increase your chances even more as it calculates even more advanced formulas to tap into wealth and good luck.

Click here for the analysis for the annual #1 star for 2024


Feng Shui Lottery generator 2024

Kan 1 White In 2024, Kan trigram is in the east


Flying Stars 2024 1 Star Kan

Kan #1 is a water element. In the physical body, it is the ear. The internal organ is the kidneys, and it is also blood. It also affects career and luck.

In period 9, the #1 star has become the secondary wealth star, and when activated correctly, this can bring success in one’s career and finances.

The #1 star during period 9 Feng Shui
Auspicious or inauspicious Auspicious
Influence, when activated – Enhances career, wealth, and overall luck
Enhance with water and metal cures

Kan water #1 (Tang Lang) has flown into the east in 2024, and the inherent energy of this sector is wood, which will weaken the auspicious energy of this area during 2024, and we will need to enhance the #1 star with water and metal cures this year to help strengthen this energy.

The east can affect all occupants of the household or workplace this year, although it is an especially important area for the eldest son and males during 2024. This influence can bring luck and advancements to careers, finances and relationships when activated correctly.

Colour choices for the east in 2024 white, silver, gold, copper, bronze, black, grey, blue
Colours to avoid in the east in 2024 green, brown, terracotta, beige, yellow, red, orange, purple, pink, burgundy, lilac
Elements to use in the east in 2024 Metal and water
Elements to avoid in the east in 2024 Wood, fire and earth

The most powerful cures you can place to enhance the annual #1 star in 2024 are the Shengli Ma golden victory horse statue along with Six I-Ching coins tied in a row to make sure that wealth, relationships, career, studies and overall luck are as strong as they can be; this is especially important if you have an office, bedroom or other room that is used for long periods in the east in 2024. As with every year, we include the Shengli Ma golden victory horse statue and Six I-Ching coins tied in a row as standard in our 2024 annual and deluxe Cures and Enhancers kits, as they are a vital cure for strengthening the #1 annual star.

Traditionally, you would use metal cures to enhance and also water cures to feed the inherent energy of the #1 star, bringing very strong luck in new opportunities for the occupants, creating results in financial investments and academic achievements, and enhancing romance and relationships.

If you have any poison arrows located outside of your home pointing towards the building, please place a Ba Gua mirror on the outside of the building where the poison arrow is pointing towards. Good examples of a poison arrow would be if you had a busy road or power lines outside of your home. The safest mirror to use is a Ba Gua wealth protection mirror if you have not used Ba Gua mirrors before, please avoid using convex or concave mirrors unless advised by a professional.

How to enhance the annual #1 star in 2024

If you cannot afford the Shengli Ma golden victory horse statue or simply do not like working with traditional cures in your home or office in 2024, you can place coloured objects and decorations that symbolise water or metal, such as grey, black, blue, white, silver, gold, copper, or bronze by introducing cushions, blankets, photos etc. If your bedroom or office falls into the east, I recommend placing a brass Wu Lou talisman here to protect and enhance wealth.

Feng Shui water colours

Please avoid introducing any wood, earth or fire colours such as green, brown, terracotta, beige, yellow, red, orange, purple, pink, burgundy, or lilac, as these will drain energy from the #1 star this year, causing a loss of wealth. If you already have these colours in the east and they cannot be easily removed, you can leave them in place, but please try to balance them with water and metal colours. If you have a beige carpet, you can introduce a red or white rug to balance this.

If you are introducing furniture and ornaments as cures in the east, I would try choosing objects with waves and ripples or round objects as these shapes bring good water and metal influence. If you have any heavy metal furniture, this will work well in the east.

Businesses that deal with investments, trading, jewellery, or online retailing can expect better times if they have an office or main door in the east this year.

If you have an office in the east this year, try to keep the land outside of the property open and clear, and keep windows open when possible, as this will allow fresh qi to flow around this area.

Click here to view our range of cures and enhancers for the #1 star in the east for 2024

Summary for the annual #1 star in the east in 2024:

The best months for the east during 2024 are March, April, May, June, August, December and January (2025).

Take extra care in February, July, September, October and November. I would revisit our free monthly Flying star advice to further analyse these months.

Enhancement summary and advice for the #1 visiting the east in 2024

  • If you have a bedroom in the east in 2024, introduce a brass Wu Lou on your bedside table or under the bed along with white, silver, gold, copper, bronze, black, blue, grey or charcoal bedsheets, a throw or pillows.
  • If you do not wish to use a wu lou, you should place a heavy round object close to your bed; a quick, easy cure is to place a good quality frying pan under your bed for the year.
  • Place a Shengli Ma golden victory horse statue in the east of your home or office to enhance and protect wealth for the #1 star.
  • Please avoid fire and wood colours like green, red, pink, purple, orange or burgundy; blues, blacks, grey or charcoal are good colours to use.
  • Place 6 Chinese I-Ching coins tied in a row in the east for the year.
  • Avoid earth colours such as brown, terracotta, yellow or beige in the east this year.
  • Avoid burning candles in the east unless the monthly stars allow this.
  • Place a Metal Feng Shui singing bowl in the east of your home or workplace to enhance and protect the #1 star.
  • Metal objects are very effective when placed in the east this year.
  • This is not a good area to place crystals as this will destroy the energy of the #1 star.
  • Clicking here will take you to our page of all of our cures and enhancers for the annual #1 star
  • Although they will not be as powerful, you can use round metal shapes as an alternative to Feng Shui items, but please avoid sharp or menacing-looking metal objects.

Kun 2 Black (Ju Men) visits the southeast in 2024


Flying Stars 2024 2 Star Kun

The #2 star is taking on an auspicious role during period 9 and has taken on a timely role. There will be many websites and masters who say that this star can be activated straight away with fire cures, bringing lots of luck to the occupants; please do not take this advice as the #2 star is still an unstable one and should not be activated this way without extremely specialist advice with a full consultation done for period 9 beforehand.

The #2 star during period 9 Feng Shui
Auspicious or inauspicious
Auspicious, although this will need to be enhanced carefully for the first few years of period 9
Influence when activatedEnhances health, luck, relationships and wealth
Enhance withearth cures combined with metal

While the southeast will have an auspicious nature in 2024 at the start of period 9, this area must be handled with care, being activated with the correct cures and enhancers. For the first few years, we will have to activate the annual #2 star with a balanced mix of earth and metal cures to ensure that the inherent energy is kept stable without bringing too much energy to this star. Whatever you do, please do not introduce new fire colours to the southeast in 2024, as this would bring too much energy; if you already have these colours in the southeast, you can leave them in place and balance them with metal colours.

How to enhance the 2 star at the beginning of period 9

When the #2 star in the southeast is activated with a blend of metal and earth cures in 2024, we can enhance health, luck, relationships and wealth prospects. A perfect cure for the annual #2 star this year is to place a Li Cheng Tai Sui plaque in the southeast of your home and workplace to activate the auspicious nature of this star, without bringing too much yang energy.

We have Tai Sui located in the southeast in 2024 and will need to keep this area calm and quiet in order to avoid angering Tai Sui this year. Please make sure that you avoid any major ground-breaking and renovation work in the southeast, as this is a quick way to bring issues into your home or workplace due to activating the wrath of Tai Sui. A very powerful and traditional cure for the southeast this year is to place a Li Cheng Tai Sui plaque in this sector to appease Tai Sui for the year.

If you have a main door in the southeast of your home or workplace this year, please avoid slamming the door, as this is one of the easiest ways to activate the wrath of Tai Sui. Frequent loud noises, such as banging doors and practising musical instruments regularly, will likely bring issues, so please try to avoid this as much as possible.

If you cannot avoid loud work in the southeast this year, try to do this in a month where we have an auspicious monthly star fly-in; the best months for this are April, May, June, July, September and January (2025).

Colour choices for the southeast in 2024 A mix of white, silver, gold, copper, and bronze, along with brown, terracotta, beige and yellow
Colours to avoid in the southeast in 2024 green, red, orange, purple, pink, burgundy, lilac, black, grey, blue
Elements to use in the southeast in 2024 Metal combined with earth
Elements to avoid in the southeast in 2024 Wood, fire and water

Li Cheng is the Tai Sui general for 2024 and falls into the southeast sector (112.5 – 127.5 degrees) as of the 4th of February 2024, and we must place a Li Cheng Tai Sui plaque in the southeast sector of our home and workplace for the entire year until the 3rd of February 2025. When we disturb Tai Sui, we can manifest all types of problems from disagreements, lawsuits, divorce and many other malicious influences.

The animals that will be significantly affected by Li Cheng when activated this year are the Dragon, Dog, Rabbit and Ox, as they are in conflict with Tai Sui in different ways and have more chance of disturbing Tai Sui this year. However, this is equally important for the rest of the Chinese zodiac animals, especially the Dragon, as they are the Ben Ming Nian animal (本命年 in 2024.

  • Digging holes
  • Laying foundations
  • Refitting a bathroom or kitchen
  • Playing the drums
  • Having a children’s playroom in the southeast
  • Having a generator running in the southeast
  • Using power tools for several days in the southeast
  • Playing loud music repetitively

Good traditional cures for the southeast in 2024 are cures that have a blend of metal and earth, such as the 8 facets Crystal Diamond Zuan Shi Cheng Ji, Mi Yan Jing Ta – Selenite pagoda and Xinglong Zhufu Yiniansiji wealth enhancer.

If you do not wish to use traditional cures and enhancers in the southeast for 2024, you can place good quality metal objects and colours along with crystals or earth colours that are smooth or square in shape in equal quantities. If you had a 2-inch crystal to place in the southeast this year, try to place it next to a metal or metal colour decoration around the same size.

Please remember that although the #2 star has become timely in period 9 (2024 – 2044), we still need to treat this star with care for the next few years before we can use it to its full potential. A good balance of metal along with earth will help to activate the #2 star without causing issues.

How to enhance the annual #2 star in 2024

Click here to view our range of cures and enhancers for the #2 star in the southeast for 2024

Summary for the annual #2 star in the southeast in 2024:

Please keep the southeast calm and quiet as much as possible during 2024 in order to avoid activating Tai Sui. If building work has to be done in the southeast this year, make sure that you have the recommended cures in place before you start the work, such as a Li Cheng Tai Sui plaque.

You can carefully activate the #2 star with a mix of metal and earth colours and cures in equal proportions during 2024. Please avoid introducing candles and fire cures in the southeast during 2024; if you already have fire colours here and they cannot be removed, balance this with metal cures.

Better months are April, May, June, July, September and January (2025).

Take extra care in February, March, August, October, November and December.

Enhancers and advice for the #2 visiting the southeast in 2024

  • Place a Li Cheng Tai Sui plaque in the southeast during 2024
  • If you do not wish to use traditional cures and enhancers in the southeast for 2024, you can place good quality metal objects and colours along with crystals or earth colours that are smooth or square in shape in equal quantities.
  • Place a Mi Yan Jing Ta – Selenite pagoda in the southeast during 2024
  • A great cure for the #2 star in the early years of period 9 is to place a metal wish bowl filled with eight small crystals
  • Please keep this area as quiet as possible during 2024 to avoid angering Tai Sui.
  • Place a Xinglong Zhufu Yiniansiji wealth enhancer in the southeast during 2024
  • Avoid using red colour in this room and refrain from displaying a triangle shape or fiery pictures.
  • Avoid candles or bright lights in the southeast this year. If you have these colours in place and cannot move them, balance the energy with metal.

Chen 3 Jade, the sound of Lu Chun #3 Jade can be heard in the central palace in 2024


Flying Stars 2024 3 Star Chen

The annual #3 star has flown into the central palace for 2024 and will need to be treated with care and attention, as it is usually much easier to activate an inauspicious star in the central palace. When the 3 star is activated or left untreated, it will spread to all of the compass sectors around the home, bringing all sorts of issues ranging from stress, legal issues, disputes, loss of wealth, theft and arguments. Luckily, this palace can quickly be resolved and kept settled with the proper cures and enhancers.

In period 9, the #3 star will remain untimely and can cause issues when activated in our home or workplace with loud renovations or using water or wood cures. You may have come across websites saying that the #3 star will be usable during period 9, and while there is some truth to this in special circumstances, this is extremely hard to get right and not something that I will be advising anyone over the next twenty years; this is the same as how we have always avoided activating the #2 star during period 8.

The #3 star during period 9 Feng Shui
Auspicious or inauspicious
Influence when activated stress, legal issues, disputes, loss of wealth, theft and arguments
Weaken withFire and earth cures.

The best way to avoid activating the annual #3 star is by keeping this area calm and settled. Although it is very unlikely for most people to completely avoid the central palace this year, by being mindful of noise levels and introducing fire and earth cures and colours, we should not see big problems in this area.

How to weaken the annual #3 star in 2024

I am quite lucky as the centre of my home is between a walk-through to the living room and kitchen, and I don’t intend to do any building work in the centre this year, although I will still be placing the relevant cures and also place a candle which will be lit once a day on the side table where I put my keys (ill be moving the key pot to the east for 2024) to avoid the star being activated. In Michael and Jo’s house, this falls into part of the kitchen and dining room, which are both used daily, although by placing fire cures and being aware of how to minimise risk for the annual #3, they will be able to avoid activating the #3 star by following the advice here.

You will likely have an important room fall into the central palace in 2024, such as an office, bedroom, living room, etc. and if so, please read the advice below, as frequent interaction in this area can activate the annual #3. All occupants of the home and workplace can be affected by the influence of the centre this year.

Colour choices for the centre in 2024red, orange, purple, burgundy, pink, lilac, brown, terracotta, yellow, beige
Colours to avoid in the centre in 2024 green, white, silver, gold, copper, bronze, black, grey, blue
Elements to use in the centre in 2024 fire and earth
Elements to avoid in the centre in 2024 wood, metal and water

To remedy the effects of the annual #3 star in 2024, you should introduce fire and earth cures such as crystals and candles this year to weaken or drain the wood star. Lamps, candles, and LED lighting will work well in the centre this year as the fire energy will weaken the annual star.

Where to use candles in 2024 - Feng shui

The most powerful cure that I can recommend for the central palace in 2024 is to place a Ping’an protection talisman in the centre of your home and workplace to control the inauspicious energy of the annual #3 star for the year ahead.

If you can, avoid any renovation or ground-breaking; this includes building an extension, knocking through an internal wall, laying a patio, replacing a bathroom suite and all other similar activities. If you have no choice but to carry out work this year, please try to do this when we have a promising monthly star fly into the central palace, which would be in May, June, July, August and October.

Please avoid having wood, water or metal cures in the central palace during 2024 as the water will enhance the bad annual star, and the metal will destroy the annual star, which is too strong energy and will cause much more severe problems.

If you have a water feature or fish tank in the centre of your home or workplace during 2024, this will enhance the annual #3 star, causing the malevolent influence to strengthen. If you are unable to move the water, please make sure that you introduce some strong fire colours along with a Ping’an protection talisman by the water feature or fish tank.

Where to use fire colours in 2024 - Feng Shui

Click here to view our range of cures and enhancers for the #3 star in the central palace for 2024

Summary for the annual #3 star in the Central Palace in 2024:

Please make sure that you pay attention when going through paperwork during 2024 before signing anything, as the annual #3 can bring issues related to lawsuits, disagreements and general conflict with others.

The better months are May, June, July, August and October.

Take extra care in February, March, April, September, November, December and January (2025).

Remedies and advice for the #3 visiting the centre in 2024

  • A fast cure is to place a light in the centre of your home or office. If you have a choice, a lamp with a wooden stand and a peach/red shade is better.
  • Place a Ping’an protection talisman in the centre of your home or office throughout 2024.
  • Avoid metal cures in the centre this year, and please do not use wind chimes here.
  • Take extra security measures for the whole home or business during 2024, and check smoke alarms regularly.
  • Regularly lighting a candle in the centre of your home and workplace will help weaken the annual #3 star.
  • Check through everything before signing documents. This is especially important if you have an office in the central palace in 2024.
  • Beware of backstabbing, as sometimes it is unseen behind your back and from someone you thought you knew quite well.
  • You should avoid having a water feature in the centre unless you understand your fixed flying stars well.
  • Introduce fire and earth colours into the centre to weaken the #3 wood star.

Sun 4 Green has flown into the northwest of the Lo Shu square in 2024


Flying Stars 2024 4 Star Sun

In period 9, the #4 star has become inauspicious, and when activated, this star can cause issues related to romance, friendship, career, general wellbeing and focus. We will now have to start weakening the #4 star throughout period 9 (2024 – 2044) to make sure that this untimely star is kept settled and does not bring problems into our home and workplaces.

The #4 star during period 9 Feng Shui
Auspicious or inauspicious
Influence when activated Issues related to romance, friendship, career, general well-being and focus
Weaken withFire and earth cures.

The newly inauspicious #4 annual star has fallen into the northwest palace during 2024, and we will also have Sui Po located here, making this an important area to keep calm and settled throughout the year of the Dragon.

To control and weaken this inauspicious influence, you should place a Zhuanweiweian protection amulet in the northwest of your home or office to make sure the newly malevolent influence of the #4 star is kept at bay throughout the year. This cure creates a lovely balance of earth draining energy from the #4 wood star, weakening the inauspicious energy from the annual #4 star and Sui Po in the northwest for the year. As this is a crucial cure in 2024, we have included this in all of our 2024 Cures and Enhancers kits.

When the #4 star is activated during period 9, this can bring relationship and career issues and also manifest affairs and breakups within a romantic relationship. If you have a bedroom or important room located in the northwest this year, please introduce fire colours here to weaken this influence and also avoid making too much noise in the northwest this year.

Colour choices for the northwest in 2024 Red, orange, purple, burgundy, lilac, pink, brown, terracotta, beige, yellow
Colours to avoid in the northwest in 2024 white, silver, gold, copper, bronze, all shades of green, blue, black, grey
Elements to use in the northwest in 2024 Fire and earth
Elements to avoid in the northwest in 2024 –Wood, metal and water

Using fire colours in 2024If you still have wish enhancers from previous years, you can still place the cures that are made of earth, such as slate here for the year, although they will be better placed in the north where the annual #8 star is located for the year as this has become the Peach Blossom star during period 9. Please do not reuse any wooden wish enhancers for the #4 star in period 9 as this will activate the inauspicious influence of this star; wooden wish enhancers and cures can be used for the annual #9 star which will be in the southwest in 2024. Good cures for this area are the same cures that you will be using to treat the #3 star, such as a red Buddha or candles.

Please do not introduce any wood, metal or water colours into the northwest of your home or workplace in 2024, as this will aggravate the wood element of the annual #4 star. Good colours in the northwest during 2024 are Red, orange, purple, burgundy, lilac, pink, brown, terracotta, beige, yellow. Avoid using white, silver, gold, copper, bronze, all shades of green, blue, black, and grey.
in the northwest of your home or workplace this year. If you already have these colours and cannot remove them, add Fire and earth colours and cures to balance the energies.

How to weaken the annual #4 star in 2024

The northwest of your home should be kept calm and quiet this year as Sui Po is located here. I’ve added a list of what you can and cannot do to give you a better idea of how Sui Po can be disturbed.

  • Installing a pond or swimming pool in the northwest – Not advised, and if unavoidable, make sure you place annual Feng Shui cures.
  • Using a main door in the northwest – Not advised, and if unavoidable, make sure you place annual Feng Shui cures.
  • Replacing windows or doors in the northwest – Not advised, and if unavoidable, make sure you place annual Feng Shui cures.
  • Play drums in the northwest as loud as possible – Not advised, and if unavoidable, make sure you place annual Feng Shui cures.
  • Drilling into walls in the northwest (single holes for hanging pictures should be fine) – Not advised, and if unavoidable, make sure you place annual Feng Shui cures.
  • Lay a new patio or deck in the northwest – Not advised, and if unavoidable, make sure you place annual Feng Shui cures.
  • Planting small plants with a hand spade in the northwest – fine to do so, but still place annual cures.
  • Using a main door in the northwest quietly, avoiding slamming the doors – fine to do so.
  • Watching television or listening to music in the northwest at a reasonable volume – fine to do so.
  • Painting and decorating a bedroom in the northwest – fine to do so.

Click here to view our range of cures and enhancers for the #4 star in the northwest for 2024

Summary for the annual #4 star in the northwest in 2024:

Treat the northwest with care and attention from 2024 onwards, as this star has now become inauspicious. Place a Zhuanweiweian protection amulet to weaken and control the influence of the annual #4 star and Sui Po for 2024.

Please try to avoid any major renovations in the northwest this year as this will disturb the annual star and also the Sui Po. If you cannot avoid disruptive work, try to do this in one of the better months below and make sure you have your annual cures in place.

Better months are February, June, July, August, September and November.

Take extra care in March, April, May, July, October, December and January (2025).

recommendations and cures for the #4 visiting the northwest in 2024

  • Use Red, orange, purple, burgundy, lilac, pink, brown, terracotta, beige, yellow
    in your décor in the northwest of your home or office.
  • Place a Zhuanweiweian protection amulet in the northwest of your home or office in 2024
  • The northwest is a good place to burn candles in 2024 to weaken the influence of the annual #4 star
  • Avoid large potted plants inside in the northwest this year
  • Red Buddha such as the Paijie Laughing protection Buddha will help to weaken the #4 star in 2024
  • Avoid too many green or metal colours in the northwest this year, as this will aggravate the annual #4
  • Keep the northwest calm and quiet to avoid activating Sui Po

The 5 Yellow In 2024 – The annual 5 Yellow Lian Zhen star of tragedy is located in the west


annual #5 star Feng Shui analysis 2024

The annual #5 tragedy star will fly into the west palace of every home and workplace on the 4th of February 2024. When activated, this star can bring illness, accidents, fatalities or bankruptcy, making this an extremely important area to treat during 2024. Please do not panic if you have an important room in the west this year, as there is a great deal that can be done to keep this influence calm and undisturbed.

In period 9, the #5 star will remain an inauspicious star, and care and powerful metal cures will be needed to keep this influence at bay. The #5 star will still be inauspicious during period 9 (2024 – 2044), and we will not be changing the way that we treat this star with regard to the annual and monthly Flying stars.

The #5 star during period 9 Feng Shui
Auspicious or inauspicious
Influence when activated Issues related to illness, accidents, fatalities or bankruptcy
Weaken with
Metal cures.

In period 9, we will be treating the #5 star the same way that we did in period 8 by using three very powerful cures in the same sector; this is a tried and tested method for the last twenty years, and we have personally got great results from this along with tens of thousands of others. For 2024, I would recommend placing a Six-rod hollow metal wind chime, salt water cure and Six Chinese I-Ching coins tied in a row in the west of your home to keep the influence of the annual #5 star settled.

Using metal in your home during 2024 to weaken the annual 5 star

Colour choices for the west in 2024 white, silver, gold, copper, bronze, blue
Colours to avoid in the west in 2024 Red, orange, purple, burgundy, pink, lilac, brown, terracotta, beige, yellow, green
Elements to use in the west in 2024 Metal and water
Elements to avoid in the west in 2024 Wood, fire and earth


If your bedroom, office, living room, kitchen, or other commonly used room where you spend extended periods of time is located in the west during 2024, the quickest option would be to leave this room empty, although this is not possible for the majority of us, so please try to keep noise levels low and place good quality metal cures here for the year.

If you can, avoid any renovation or ground-breaking; this includes building an extension, knocking through an internal wall, laying a patio, replacing a bathroom suite and all other similar activities. My general rule of thumb when carrying out small tasks in a little area, such as hammering a nail to hang a picture or drilling a hole, is to minimise as much noise as you can; if you can, use a manual hand drill; it is better to be safe than sorry.

Noise from a TV or radio is not usually loud enough to cause issues as long as they are kept at normal levels where you can easily talk over each other.

How to weaken the annual #5 star in 2024

For 2024, I would strongly suggest placing these Cures in the west of your home or office to keep the inauspicious energy of the annual #5 settled:

Six Chinese i-ching coins In a row
Salt water cure
Six-rod hollow metal wind chime

If you would rather not work with traditional cures in your home or workplace, you can place some good quality heavy metal items and decorations that are free of rust in the west this year. Good examples of heavy metal items are a saucepan, metal weight lifting plates, cookery measuring weights or any metal furniture that you already have. Good shapes associated with the metal element are anything round, such as a saucepan.

Feng Shui pendulum clockA pendulum chiming clock in the west of your home or workplace is a fantastic cure for the annual #5 star as the low noise level is not enough to activate the annual #5. In the old days, they would have had someone striking a gong quietly every 15 to 60 minutes.

A very powerful metal cure to place in the west this year is a brass Wu Lou or gold-coloured gourd to protect wealth and avoid legal issues and disputes.

Please avoid using candles and fire colours in the west this year as this will enhance the #5 star and bring problems. If you have a fireplace in the west and cannot avoid using this, please make sure that you introduce strong metal cures here to help negate this influence. If you have a red or orange piece of large furniture, try to cover this with metal colours to set a good balance. Avoid using crystals here in 2024, as this will feed the #5 stars inherent earth energy.

What is likely to activate the annual #5 star in 2024?

  • Digging holes
  • Laying foundations
  • Refitting a bathroom or kitchen
  • Playing the drums
  • Having a children’s playroom in the west
  • Having a generator running in the west
  • Using power tools for several days in the west
  • Playing loud music repetitively
  • Having too many earth colours in the west (brown, terracotta, beige or yellow)

Summary for the annual #5 star in the west in 2024:

Take extra care in February, April, May, June, November and January (2025).

Better months are March, July, August, September, October, November and December.

Please avoid activating the negative energy brought on by the annual #5 star with loud noises or ground-breaking in the west this year.

Avoid placing fire and earth colours or candles in the west of your home or office, such as orange, red, purple, brown terracotta, yellow or beige. Introduce metal colours such as white, silver, gold or copper.

recommendations and cures for the #5 visiting the west in 2024

  • Avoid having the TV or radio at too high a volume in the west in 2024
  • Keep the west of your home clean and tidy throughout the year.
  • Do not introduce any red or earth colours to the west this year. Silver, gold or white bedding and curtains are good colours to use.
  • Place a salt water cure in the west of the building along with six Chinese coins tied in a row with red ribbon and six hollow metal rod wind chime.
  • The six coins in a row and salt cure are crucial cures to place in 2024; please do not forget them.
  • Place a Brass Wu-Lou in the west, especially if your bedroom falls into this area.
  • Avoid fire colours and candles in the west this year.
  • Tsai Shen Yeh (God of wealth) in gold colour is very effective at reducing the bad earth and protecting your wealth.

Ch’ien 6 White – The star of Heaven Chien 6 White (Wu Qu) sits in the northeast palace in 2024


Flying Stars 2024 6 Star Chien

The annual #6 star will fly into the northeast palace in 2024, and when activated with the correct metal cures, we can expect a lovely influence here, which will help to enhance career and wealth luck.

In period 9, the #6 star will remain an auspicious star, and while there will be some websites claiming that this positive energy is fading and becoming inauspicious towards the end of period 9, this is still an auspicious star, and we will be activating this throughout the next twenty years to make full use of the energy from this star.

The #6 star during period 9 Feng Shui
Auspicious or inauspicious
Influence when activated Career and wealth luck
enhance with –
Metal and earth cures


Metal Feng Shui element

When the #6 star is activated correctly in 2024, the star can bring substantial wealth and career luck, especially for those involved in politics, leadership roles, jewellers or anyone in a high-up position.

The northeast is a wonderful area in 2024, and when activated with metal and earth cures this year, we can expect very strong wealth and career luck for all occupants of the home and workplace. If you have a main entrance door in the northeast, this is very good, and I would advise you to make use of this door when entering and exiting, as human interaction can help enhance this area.

Colour choices for the northeast in 2024 brown, terracotta, beige, yellow, white, silver, gold, copper, bronze
Colours to avoid in the northeast in 2024 black, grey, blue, green, red, orange, purple, burgundy, pink, lilac
Elements to use in the northeast in 2024 Metal and earth
Elements to avoid in the northeast in 2024 Wood, fire and water

Please try to avoid introducing any candles or fire colours into the northeast this year, as this will destroy the auspicious energy of the #6 star and can cause problems related to the liver and legs. If you already have fire colours in the northeast or a fireplace, you can balance this energy with metal and earth colours such as brown, terracotta, beige, yellow, white, silver, gold, copper, and bronze.

How to enhance the annual #6 star in 2024

Metal and earth cures should be placed in the northeast to enhance the annual #6 this year, and the most crucial cure for this sector is to place a Shengli Yiniandaotou Sheng Chi Cure in the northeast of your home or workplace throughout the year.

The powerful and traditional Sheng Chi cure must be placed in the home and workplace each year to enhance the auspicious influence of the very auspicious annual #6 star, which for 2024 is in the northeast; this must be kept in place until the 3rd of February 2025 to enhance and attract wealth luck throughout the year of the Dragon which is why we have included the Sheng Chi cure with all our 2024 annual or deluxe cures and enhancers kits.

Another extremely powerful cure to enhance the northeast during 2024 is a set of 8 I-Ching dual Dragon coins in a row. The configuration of 8 coins is a key part of this enhancer as eight is associated with the earth element and signifies prosperity, success and wealth. The number eight also sounds like “good fortune” in Chinese and is associated with the infinity symbol, making this a very strong metal cure for the northeast in 2024. The 8 I-Ching dual Dragon coins in a row represent prosperity enhancement, and the top is tied with a lucky 10-knot rhombus to make this a very powerful cure and enhancer.

If you have a bedroom in the northeast of your home, the annual #6 can bring too much yang energy to this area, causing disturbed sleep, and it would be beneficial to introduce water colours such as blue or black; a small throw at the end of the bed or pillow should be enough to balance this energy.

Click here to view our range of cures and enhancers for the #6 star in the northeast for 2024

Summary for the annual #6 star in the northeast in 2024:

The northeast is a lovely area during 2024, and when activated with metal and earth cures, we can expect good wealth and career prospects throughout the Dragon year. Place a Shengli Yiniandaotou Sheng Chi Cure and 8 I-Ching dual Dragon coins in a row in the northeast during 2024 to enhance this auspicious star.

Take extra care in March, May, June, July and December.

The best months for the northeast are February, April, August, September, October, November and January (2025).

recommendations and cures for the #6 visiting the northeast in 2024

  • If you have a bedroom in the northeast this year, a shade of blue or black in your furnishing or décor may help with health. A blue painting (not a water scene) may also do.
  • Place a Shengli Yiniandaotou Sheng Chi Cure in the northeast of your home or office to enhance and protect wealth and career prospects.
  • Crystals will work very well in the northeast for 2024.
  • Place 8 I-Ching dual Dragon coins in a row in the northeast during 2024.
  • Avoid fire colours such as red, and please do not light candles in the northeast unless the monthly stars allow it, as it can cause lung issues.

Tui 7 Red – The Lofty Wind of Tui (Po Jun) flies into the south in 2024


Flying Stars 2024 7 Star Tui

The #7 argumentative star will fly into the south of every home and workplace across the world in 2024, along with the Three Killings, and when activated, this can cause issues related to assault, deceit, violence and robbery. In 2024, the south is not a good area for anyone who suffers from lung problems like COPD or asthma, as the #7 star can heighten issues related to the lungs when activated.

In period 9, the #7 star will retain its inauspicious nature, and we will be treating this star the same way as in period 8 by using water and wood cures and colours to drain energy from the metal energy.

The #7 star during period 9 Feng Shui
Auspicious or inauspicious
Influence when activated burglary, deception, copyright theft, gossip and backstabbing
weaken with
Wood and water cures

When activated or left untreated, the annual #7 stars malevolent energy is strengthened, and this is especially so this year if you have water, earth or fire colours in the south of your home or workplace. When activated, the #7 star can bring problems related to burglary, deception, copyright theft, gossip and backstabbing from others. To keep this influence calm and under control, we will need to introduce water and wood cures and colours to the northeast this year.

Feng Shui water colours

Please note that we also have the Three Killings located in the south for the year, making this an especially troublesome area. Please make sure that you keep this area calm and quiet and, if possible, avoid any major renovation work in the south this year.

The most effective cure that should be placed in the south of your home or workplace during 2024 is a Lie Taobi Biangu Rice cure. As this is a crucial cure in 2024, we have included this in all of our 2024 Cures and Enhancers kits.

Colour choices for the south in 2024 green, black, grey, blue
Colours to avoid in the south in 2024 brown, terracotta, beige, yellow, white, silver, gold, copper, yellow, red, orange, burgundy, purple, pink, lilac
Elements to use in the south in 2024 Wood and water
Elements to avoid in the south in 2024 Metal, fire and earth

If the entrance door of your property is located in the south sector in 2024, I would recommend placing a Ba Gua wealth protection mirror above the door on the outside to deflect any negative qi that is coming towards your home. Please avoid slamming the door in the south as much as possible, as this is a likely way to activate the annual #7 and also disturb the Three Killings.

The annual #7 star can cause security issues when activated, so please be sure to check over your security, alarms, locks and smoke alarms before the year of the Dragon begins. With the annual #7 star, it is always wise to think and plan ahead as this star can quickly change luck, and by taking simple steps early in the Chinese New Year, we can avoid the issues that this star can bring.

How to weaken the annual #7 star in 2024

Another powerful cure to place in the south of your home and workplace during 2024 is a Jin Yi Liang protection amulet. This is a very powerful cure to help protect against deception and financial risk in 2024 while also enhancing wealth, investment, security, business and overall protection prospects when placed in the south of your home or office.

I always say that prevention is the best cure, and by checking over your home throughout the year, along with placing the Lie Taobi Biangu Rice cure, you can avoid any potential problems that could incur from the #7 star and Three Killings this year. Do not display any valuable items on windowsills as there is a risk of a passer-by seeing a quick opportunity.

Where to use water colours in 2024

If you use colours to activate and weaken stars, please avoid any metal, fire, and earth colours in the south this year. If you already have these colours here and they cannot be removed, balance this out by introducing strong water colours such as blue, black, grey etc, in the south.

If you cannot avoid loud and disruptive work in the south this year, try to schedule this for a month when an auspicious monthly star flies into the south; in 2024, we will have auspicious monthly stars visit the south in February, March, May, September, October, November and December.

It pays to be wise and avoid taking too many risks if you have an essential room such as an office, bedroom, living room or kitchen in the south, as there may be unscrupulous people working against you. There are indications of misunderstandings, pressure and business rivalries that could also lead to losses.

Click here to view our range of cures and enhancers for the #7 star in the south for 2024

Summary for the annual #7 star in the south in 2024:

In 2024, please try to keep the south calm and quiet throughout the year, as the annual #7 and the Three Killings can cause a whole host of problems when disturbed. If you have a room with a lot of activity in the south, such as a gym, please make sure that you place the relevant cures for the year and introduce some strong water colours here to calm this influence.

If you have an office or door in the south, please be careful of people trying to deceive you, robbery, arguments and loss of wealth. It is important that you double-check paperwork before finalising anything, as this star normally causes problems with people you know and thought you could trust.

Please take extra care during April, June, July, August and January (2025).

Better months are February, March, May, September, October, November and December.

Recommendations and cures for the #7 visiting the south in 2024:

  • Place water and wood colours in the south during 2024.
  • Plants in the south will help to drain energy from the annual #7 star.
  • You should try to introduce some water colours such as blue in your decoration. You can introduce the colour with cushions, rugs, bed covers or doormats.
  • Place a Jin Yi Liang protection amulet in the south of your home and office this year.
  • Do not use anything of fire element or the colour red to control it as this may aggravate it.
  • Do not use candles in the south this year, as this will strengthen the energy of the #7 star.
  • Place a Lie Taobi Biangu Rice cure in the south of your home or office for protection.
  • Install or service/upgrade smoke alarms and security systems.
  • Do not hang metal wind chimes here.

Ken 8 White has flown into the north for 2024


Flying Stars 2024 8 Star Gen

The annual #8 star will fly into the north palace on the 4th of February 2024, and when activated correctly, we can expect strong Peach blossom luck in relationships with others and also good wealth prospects in the year of the Dragon.

In period 9, the #8 star will remain an auspicious star, and while this will be slightly less powerful with regards to wealth prospects over the next twenty years, we will still be able to make good use of this star for existing wealth. The #8 star will take on the role of the Peach Blossom star during period 9, as the #4 star has become inauspicious, and this is the star we will be activating to enhance love life, relationships with others and friendship prospects.

The #8 star during period 9 Feng Shui
Auspicious or inauspicious
Influence when activated wealth and strong Peach Blossom luck
Enhance with Fire and earth cures

primary romance Flying star during 2024For the last twenty years, we have been activating the #8 star as the primary wealth star, and while this will no longer be the case, we will still be able to make very good use of this star for wealth luck, and this will also take on a new role during period 9. The #8 star will become our Peach Blossom star, which will be enhanced with the same earth and fire cures to enhance relationships, social prospects and friendships.

The north is a lovely area in 2024, and we will be activating this area with earth and fire cures; the easiest way to introduce these elements is to place candles and crystals in the north of your home during the Dragon year. When placing traditional cures in the north in 2024, you would place your wish enhancers that are made of natural earth cures; please do not place any wooden wish enhancers in the north this year, as this will destroy the auspicious earth energy here.

The most powerful and influential cure for the north in 2024 is to place a Yuanmeng Tiantian wish and romance enhancer, which works in the same way as we used the wish enhancer for the #4 star in period 8.

The Yuanmeng Tiantian wish and romance enhancer is a very powerful wish and manifestation enhancer. You can also place photos of you and your partner or even pictures of people you would like to bring into your life. Think of this area as your primary manifestation area throughout period 9, and when you place your wish list, photos, romantic statue, photo of a dream car, house, boyfriend, girlfriend or whatever you wish to bring into your life, think very positive thoughts and try and imagine those items in your life already, remember the power of the mind is just as powerful as Feng Shui. This cure and enhancer is so important in 2024, which is why we included it in our 2024 cures and enhancers kit.

If your entrance door is located in the north in 2024, this is very good as this star can be activated by human presence, and the activity of people coming and going through the house will help to activate this auspicious energy. Please ensure that the front door is kept clean and tidy throughout the year, as this will help promote fresh Qi flowing towards this area.

How to enhance the annual #8 star in 2024

Similar to having a front door in the north during the Dragon year, this is also a great area for commonly used rooms such as a bedroom, gym, office or living room. This will help strengthen the #8 star, bringing romance, relationship, social, career and wealth luck throughout 2024.

An extremely powerful cure and enhancer to be placed in the north in 2024 is the Fuyu Buddha of prosperity. The cream earth coloured Fuyu Buddha is an extremely powerful enhancer for the #8 star in 2024 and should be placed to ensure that relationship and wealth luck is as strong as possible throughout the Dragon year. If you cannot place the Fuyu Buddha in the north, he can also be placed in the northeast during 2024.

Although the annual #8 star can bring fantastic luck in 2024, please be aware that this can cause occupants to overwork, leading to health issues. It is important to have a good balance in lifestyle and work in 2024, so please make sure that the added workload doesn’t lead to stress, high blood pressure and kidney problems; if this is the case, it is important to take time out to unwind.

Colour choices for the north in 2024 brown, terracotta, beige, yellow, red, orange, purple, pink, burgundy, lilac
Colours to avoid in the north in 2024 green, white, silver, gold, copper, bronze, black, grey, blue
Elements to use in the north in 2024 Earth and Fire
Elements to avoid in the north in 2024 Metal, Water and Wood

To activate the annual #8 star, you can introduce crystals to the north for the year, and this is also a great area to burn candles throughout the year, although please be sure to check on the monthly stars as it is wise to avoid candles in certain months.

Where to store paperwork in 2024 - Feng Shui The north is still a strong wealth, success and romance area for 2024 when activated, so try and store your important financial papers here, like pensions, stock portfolio, etc. The best location for paperwork would be in the southwest, where the annual #9 star is located, although this can also be placed in the north. If you use symbolic cures, this is where you should place your three-legged Toad facing your Sheng Chi direction for wealth or a pair of rose quartz crystal hearts for romance.

Please take extra care during May, July, August, and September.

The best months are February, March, April, June, October, November, December, and January (2025).

Click here to view our range of cures and enhancers for the #8 star in the north for 2024

Recommendations for the annual #8 star in the north for 2024:

  • Place a Yuanmeng Tiantian wish and romance enhancer in the north of your home or office.
  • Try to keep the north as clean and tidy as often as possible throughout 2024, as this will promote fresh Qi to activate this area.
  • Try to place family photos and memorabilia in the north this year, as this is a great relationship area.
  • Place a Fuyu Buddha of prosperity in the north of your home during 2024.
  • Avoid using metal colours in the north, such as white, silver, gold, copper or bronze.
  • This is also a good study area for children; place a task light and a crystal globe on the desk to enhance concentration.
  • A powerful romance enhancer is a pair of rose quartz Mandarin Ducks in the north this year.

Li 9 Purple You Bi Li 9 Purple is found in the southwest in 2024


Flying Stars 2024 9 Star Li

The #9 annual star, which has fallen in the southwest of your home or office, is a fantastic area in 2024, and I would encourage you to make as much use of this area as you can, even if the southwest of your home falls in a garage or kitchen, try to spend any time you can working, relaxing, exercising or studying in 2024.

In period 9, the #9 star will take on the role of the primary wealth star for the next twenty years, and you should try to make full use of wherever a #9 star falls in your home or workplace each year. During period 8, we were making use of the #8 star to enhance wealth and while this will still have a strong influence during period 9, the #9 star has become the most important star and the one that we will activate with the Master cures for the next twenty years.

The #9 star during period 9 Feng Shui
Auspicious or inauspicious
Influence when activated Strong wealth luck, recognition and fame
Enhance with Fire and wood cures

During 2024, we will need to take full advantage of the southwest as we have a very auspicious influence by enhancing the southwest of our home and workplace with fire and wood cures and colours to make sure we can benefit from auspicious wealth luck, fame, acknowledgement, growth and improvement this year.

Where to use wood in 2024 - Feng Shui

Colour choices for the southwest in 2024 Green, red, orange, purple, pink, burgundy, lilac
Colours to avoid in the southwest in 2024Brown, terracotta, beige, yellow, white, silver, gold, copper, bronze, black, grey, blue
Elements to use in the southwest in 2024 Fire and wood
Elements to avoid in the southwest in 2024 Earth, water and metal

If you have an important room in the southwest this year, such as an office, bedroom, living room or other commonly used room, this is great news, as human interaction is a great way to activate this star. If the southwest falls into a storage room, bathroom or other room that is not used as often, please make sure that you place the relevant cures in this area, as the positive influence from this activated star will benefit all occupants of the home and workplace, especially the matriarch (eldest female) in 2024.

How to enhance the annual #9 star in 2024

Those who have a bedroom in the southwest this year can benefit from good relationship luck this year. For anyone who comes across relationship issues this year, please double-check that you do not have too many water or earth colours and elements here (brown, terracotta, beige, yellow, black, grey or blue). Small amounts of these colours are fine, although please try to avoid too much in this area in 2024. Anyone trying to conceive a child in 2024 can heighten their chances when sleeping in the southwest, especially when they place a red Kwan Yin in this area.

Where to use fire colours in 2024 - Feng Shui

When activated, the #9 star can bring new career opportunities and advancements in 2024, so please be sure to introduce fire and wood cures here to help strengthen this star. This is a great area for candles and plants in 2024, but please make sure that you do not burn candles when you are not at home and also make sure that the plants are kept fresh and healthy.

With the annual #9 star taking on the role of the primary wealth star during period 9, we will need an extremely powerful cure to activate the southwest and make the most of this fantastic influence, which is why we will be placing a Baoyou Zusui Master cure here to ensure that this star is as powerful as it can be at the beginning of period 9 to ensure a great start. The Master cure has been a key cure which has been included in all of our Annual and Deluxe cures and enhancers kits ever since we started the Feng Shui Store in 1999 and will now be used to activate and strengthen the #9 star for the next twenty years.

Another fantastic cure that we will be using to enhance the annual #9 in 2024 is a Huolong Fiery red Dragon statue to strengthen the fire influence of this auspicious star in our home and workplace to ensure that wealth and overall luck prospects are as powerful as possible at the start of period 9.

Click here to view our range of cures and enhancers for the #9 star in the southwest for 2024

Summary for the annual #9 star in the southwest in 2024:

Be aware of the negative influences during June, August, September and October.

The best months are February, March, April, May, July, November, December and January (2025).

recommendations and cures for the #9 visiting the southwest in 2024

  • Healthy green leafy plants or blue flowering plants such as violets are good for this area.
  • Place a Baoyou Zusui Master cure in the southwest to enhance the auspicious influence of the #9 star.
  • Fresh flowers displayed here will bring positive qi, too.
  • Candles can be used here to strengthen the inherent energy of the annual #9 star.
  • Symbolic objects such as a wu lou or eight Chinese coins can be placed here all year round to enhance benevolent influence and, simultaneously, dissipate the malevolent influence by visiting monthly #5 (August).
  • Place a Huolong Fiery red Dragon statue in the southwest during 2024.
  • Fire colours such as red, orange, purple, burgundy, lilac and pink will work well in the southwest in 2024.

Spend as much time as you can reading this report, save it and print it to read at your leisure, as it can save you from many problems. You don’t have to buy any cures and enhancers, and I hope you agree I have always given you alternatives to the traditional cures and enhancers, but if you do decide to buy a cures and enhancers kit, you should read what some of our clients say about annual cures kits, not only do they offer you protection, they enhance the beneficial areas, click on the banner below to read some of the thousands we received over the years.

read what our customers say about our cures kits

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Visit the pages below for further details on the 2024 Chinese New Year.

Chinese New Year 2024 ** Checklist for Chinese New Year 2024 ** How to make your own Ang Pow ** Chinese Talismans for 2024 ** Chinese animal predictions for 2024 ** Flying star Xuan Kong 2024 ** Avoid the fury of the Grand Duke, three killing 2024 ** Chinese New Year world time converter 2024 ** 2024 Cures and enhancers kits ** How to take a compass reading ** How to determine your facing direction ** Feng Shui software updated for period 9 ** Feng Shui resource **  Feng Shui Blog ** Chinese culture **

leave a reply at the feng shui store

Images: pexels.co.uk


63 thoughts on “2024 Flying star Xuan Kong annual analysis for the year of the Yang Wood Dragon

  1. Hi
    Period 9 is really pounding me down. I did everything as stated on paper and all the cures are in place. I don’t know what I missed and did wrong. This is the first time since 2007 that I have it this bad.

    1. Hi Leah,

      I’m so sorry to hear that period 9 is proving challenging for you.

      If you haven’t already checked your fixed Flying stars for your home and made updates for period 9, this could be the cause as some of the stars have changed their influence this period and will need adjusting for this period.

      For example – the 4 star has become inauspicious in period 9 and if enhanced with wood or water cures, this could cause relationship issues.

      I hope this helps, and that things improve for you.

      Kind regards,

  2. Hi Daniel,

    I am curious about the elements cure recommended for the flying star 7 listed for 2024. Your report calls for neutralizing it with water and earth, however my understanding is it is water and fire elements. Can you please verify? Since this is such a strong influence this year and last year I had very challenged financial and health year, I want to make sure I have the proper elements in place. The energy seems a little unbalanced with the water and earth element cures.

    Thank you,

    Roberta Nelson

    1. Hi Roberta,

      For 2024, it is safe to use water for the #7 metal star as this will weaken the energy. We can also use wood to drain energy from the metal star this year.

      I wouldn’t recommend using fire as this will destroy the metal energy and can cause more harm than good if not applied correctly. Small traditional metal cures will be fine to use here, although I would avoid introducing this element in large quantities.

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

  3. Hi Daniel,as always you run a great Feng shui site☺️
    I have a question in regards to the placement of the Tai sui plaque. The southeast is in the toilet/laundry section of my house. Is it ok to place the plaque on a window sill in that area of the house?
    Kind regards,Karen

    1. Hi Karen,

      As long as he is not placed too close to the toilet or sink, I don’t see this being an issue. The window sill is usually a safe distance from the sink and as long as the area around is kept clean and clutter free, this will be ok.

      I hope this helps 🙂

      Kind regards,

  4. Hi Daniel,

    I just have a question about reusing cures please. I have a Fa Shu Wu Lou enhancer and protection amulet from last year which I’m currently using again this year in the new position (I cleansed it first). Is this ok? If so should the soil inside be replaced?

    Kind regards,


    1. Hi Florence,

      As long as you are in the same home, this will be fine to reuse the Wu Lou after it has been cleansed 🙂

      Kind regards,

  5. Dear Michael,

    I have no words to express my gratitude for your generosity. For 4 1/2 years I’ve read every line of your website and follow your guidance “to the T”, live they say in the USA.

    I have taken courses with Jampa Luhndrup and that opened my mind to the world of opportunities In Feng Shui. To me, Feng Shui and Flying Stars is not “something interesting” or “something I believe in”, I’ve taken my time to observe changes when I use cures or enhancers, I’ve seen it in friends, it has helped me understand some things that happen. My believe in Feng Shui doesn’t come from faith but by observation. And for my knowledge of Feng Shui, I thank you and some others…

    I have been very “selective”, in the sense that I do not read or learn from people that take “one or two courses” and present themselves as FS teachers… sometimes I find I know more than them just by having sticked to reliable sources of information like you.

    This is the first time I write, so this is why I am expanding.

    Dear, I have two questions:

    Which One?
    Flying Stars of the building, Period Flying Stars, Annual Flying Stars, Monthly Flying Stars…
    Which one? I am asking because, lets say that for my condominium I need a fire cure in X sector, but then the annual star requires exactly the opposite to be enhanced or cured, and the monthly star says another thing… I feel that having three cures/enhancers is too much (at least for my sanity!)…

    What I’ve done in the last three years, including this one, is that I place the annual cures/enhancers and leave them there and do the Monthly “on top”, but I do not move the annual cures/enhancers.

    Is this the correct way to do it?
    I’ve also noticed that if I stick to Monthly Flying Stars things go well…
    Building, period, annual, monthly? which one and in what combination?

    Feng Shui is not “my hobby”, it is something that, since I started learning, has become my path. This come from the fact that I am Buddhist and our beloved teachers, Lama Zopa Rinpoche once commented “after Buddhism what helps people the most is Feng Shui”… an I also know that monasteries and Dharma centers do Feng Sui consultation for their building/arrangement.

    I would like to certify to have the credentials needed to present myself with the knowledge I’ve acquired (we all need “the paper”)
    When can I certified? I do not want to make the wrong choice and go to a X school with people that are not completely rooted in the most classical and serious Feng Shui (and at not such an extraordinary cost)…

    Please open your certification program! Please! (you can email me)

    1. Hi Rocio,

      Thank you for your kind words! I’m so glad to hear that you’ve experienced positive results from Feng Shui, and hope this continues for you.

      With the fixed, annual, and monthly stars, it is best to try and get a good balance between the different stars in the home.

      For permanent colours and furniture, you would use these to appease the fixed stars. For the annual and monthly stars, you can introduce cures and objects that can easily be moved around the home when the stars change over, such as traditional cures and small objects like blankets.

      It can sometimes be hard to balance the different energies, and if you are ever in doubt, it is good to create a Sheng Cycle by introducing all five elements in equal proportions to balance the energy in an area that is difficult.

      Unfortunately, we’ve struggled to find the time to run courses in recent years. There are a lot of courses available, although I haven’t followed this closely enough to be able to recommend anyone with confidence. As a general rule of thumb, I would look for someone who focuses mainly on Feng Shui rather than offering courses for all different areas.

      I hope this helps.

      Kind regards,

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