Annual #4 Star Cures

Sun 4 Green has flown into the west of the Lo Shu square in 2025

Feng Shui Flying star analysis for the #4 star in the west in 2025

In period 9, the #4 star has become inauspicious, and when activated, this star can cause issues related to romance, friendship, career, general wellbeing and focus. We will now have to start weakening the #4 star throughout period 9 (2024 – 2044) to make sure that this untimely star is kept settled and does not bring problems into our home and workplaces.

The #4 star during period 9 Feng Shui
Auspicious or inauspicious
Influence when activated Issues related to romance, friendship, career, general well-being and focus
Weaken withFire and earth cures.

In 2025, the inauspicious #4 annual star, which can bring conflict and disharmony, has flown into the West Palace for the year ahead. To avoid activating the #4 star this year, it is vital to keep this area calm, balanced, and free from unnecessary activity or disturbances.

When the #4 star is activated during Period 9, it can lead to relationship and career challenges, as well as cause affairs and breakups in romantic relationships. If you have a bedroom or other important room is located in the west this year, introduce fire or earth colours here to help weaken this influence. Good cures for this area are the same cures that you will be using to treat the #3 star such as a red Buddha or candles.

When the west is activated in 2025, this will cause issues for all occupants for the home and business, although this is especially important for the youngest daughter and females in general.

Below, you will find a good range of carefully chosen Cures and Enhancers for the Annual #4 Flying star to help you make the most of the west of your home or office for 2025.

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